We are pressing on with the Mystery Image series. Here we present another unusual scene, but details abound in this image: an antique car, a fire hydrant, a toy baby, a toy rocket(?) and a man wearing a police cap standing on what we presume to be the hood of that car.
Will someone please tell us what is going on here??
I do have one clue for us all, the image is dated 1949-1950.
Send along your comments - we love hearing from you!
Looks like Grand Marshal week campaigning that continued on into the late 1950s when I was there. Candidates for Grand Marshal and President of the Union are probably the men standing in the convertible.
I just wanted to make an assumption of that it could be campaigning for some kind of election or boycotting for an issue? Since:
The car isn't moving.
There's pictures of a man's face on the side of the car and on a bag(?)
The men standing on the car are dressed up.
Items in the hands of the "police officer" and inside the car are ridiculous
In reply to by egglel
Alright! Thank you Henry and Mike for your contributions. Henry, we thought perhaps this was GM Week - we just weren't sure! Now maybe we can identify the individuals!
must be a fraternity event of one kind or another, maybe the fire hydrant is actually a keg?
In reply to by egglel
Doug, very interesting - "a keg." This image was hard to pin down. On the hydrant as well as the door of the car, we see the classic GM pic of the individual running (presuming it's the GM candidate and not the PU). We have numerous cards from the past but for 1949 we don't have any of the three candidates: Tim Maloney, Jerry Ellsworth, and Bill Frankenfield.
After seeing Jerry Ellsworth's picture in <em>The Polytechnic</em>, I'm 95% sure the gentleman in our Mystery Image, center with one hand on the hydrant is in fact Jerry!
I agree with Henry Nejako. I think it has to do with GM week. every look s like young students. Especially with the picture and big bow around the fire hydrant. only a young strong men could pick up a fire hydrant and put it into a car.
Gerald S. Ellsworth?
Take a look: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Marshal_(RPI)