Mystery Image #19

Posted by Amy the Archivist on October 23, 2009 in

This is a photo of an athletic team, but I'm not sure which one or when it was taken (1960s?).  I think it may be the tennis team, because I've seen the coach in other pictures.  Do you know?  Can you identify the coach or any of the team members?

Mystery Image 19


Bob Gallagher
Thu, 11/05/2009 - 21:06 Permalink

The coach is Professor Stan Briskie. I believe he was a member of the H&SS faculty and coached tennis for many years.

In reply to by egglel

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 09:50 Permalink

Thanks Bob!

Dorothy Barnes
Wed, 11/18/2009 - 15:16 Permalink

An interested mystery solver researched this picture in the Athletics Department Archives and has found the following information:

It is the 1967 men's tennis team.

First row (left to right): F. DeSimone (manager), B. Iskowitz, R. Epner, J. Shaw, S. Abrahams (co-capt.), N. Zilberg (co-captain)(spelling may be wrong), Stan Brizyski (coach and economics professor).

Second row (left to right): P. Sarapuu, W. Daniels, A. Krull, B. Clayton.

In reply to by egglel

Thu, 11/19/2009 - 09:05 Permalink

This is great information! I'll have to remember that there is a good sleuth with connections to the Athletic Department. If I have any other athletic photo mysteries, I'll remember to refer them to you!

John Bishop
Thu, 01/06/2011 - 16:08 Permalink

I entered RPI in 1971. At that time, I was told that I was lucky, as late as 1970, men had to wear a jacket (maybe a tie?) to be served dinner in the dining hall. I doubt many shots - unless very formal as this one, would have men dressed up like this after 1970.

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