Looks Familiar...

Posted by John Dojka on February 8, 2008 in
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This photograph has been kicking around my desk for some time. The house looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. I showed it to my colleagues and they also remembered seeing it before — but where?

Recently, I was searching for some information in issues of The Polytechnic from 1931, and this mystery photograph popped out at me. Delta Sigma Lambda, a newly-formed fraternity at RPI, had just moved into this house...on the corner of Hoosick and Fifteeth St. Ah, yes! Now I remember it! Alas, the house no longer exists. It was torn down a few years ago.

Do you remember this landmark?  


Mon, 04/28/2008 - 01:21 Permalink

The brothers of the Alpha Chapter of Theta Xi also resided here prior to 1931. In that year the brothers moved out of this house to transition into their newly built chapter house on the corner of Sage Ave and Sherry Rd where they continue to reside.

Thu, 05/01/2008 - 17:23 Permalink

Thanks for filling in more of the history of this house. This same picture appeared in yearbook (The Transit) pages for Theta Xi in the 1920s.

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 23:16 Permalink

Delta Sigma Lambda moved into this house in the second half of 1931. Delta Sigma Lambda was a national fraternity made up of members of the Order of DeMolay, a young men's Masonic organization. In 1936, Delta Sigma Lambda National collapsed and its RPI chapter joined Lambda Chi Alpha in 1937. The RPI chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha remains on the RPI campus to this day.

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