Poly to the People

Posted by T. A. Gobert on June 23, 2015

In January 2014 I announced that back issues of the Rensselaer Polytechnic were available online. There was a hitch, though. For copyright reasons, off-campus access to issues published after 1977 was limited to current members of the Rensselaer community. That left out alumni, who don’t have Rensselaer Computing System (RCS) login credentials. But at long last RPI alums can see the online collection in its entirety, thanks to our intrepid Systems Administrator, George Biggar, RPI ’77.

To remedy the situation, George collaborated with Alumni Relations staff to get their authentication system to work with Rensselaer Digital Collections. Alumni can now login using their Rensselaer Alumni Association (RAA) username and password. After extensive testing, the login system is ready for prime time, giving alumni access to the Poly through April 2001. I’m still working on adding issues after that date, so stay tuned!

For details on logging in, please click here.

Poly clipping, 1985
Clipping regarding the impact of technology on newspapers. This piece was written by Otto Kumbar and Bill Goin on the occasion of the Poly’s 100th anniversary of continuous publication (The Rensselaer Polytechnic, v. 105, no. 20, p.13, February 20, 1985).


Bruce Webster
Thu, 06/25/2015 - 17:19 Permalink

I have bound copies of the Poly from about 1963 -1967 (I'll have to check the exact dates.)
Let me know if these are of any use to your project.
Bruce Webster '67
Former Editor-in-Chief of the Poly

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