Presentation: "Exploring Space at RPI" Space can be described as “the stage upon which the drama of communal life unfolds.” At Rensselaer, the academic, athletic, social, and common spaces used, and often created by students and administration have come and gone, ebbing and flowing from one decade to the next. Assistant Institute Archivist Jenifer Monger has dug deep within the Archives collections to place at center stage key spaces which have been utilized, advocated for, appropriated, and experienced throughout campus and its environs. Inspired by photographs and documents, Jenifer will explore these spaces from myriad vantage points, analyzing the meanings of spaces that have played major roles in campus life and memory, both past and present.
When: On Friday, October 4th at 9 a.m., Friends of Folsom Library will host a talk given by Assistant Institute Archivist Jenifer Monger entitled “Exploring Space at RPI.”
Where: The presentation will take place at Russell Sage Dining Hall’s banquet room during Homecoming/Reunion and will include a continental breakfast. The event is free and everyone is welcome, but an RSVP to Adrienne Birchler (518-276-8329 or by September 27th is required to secure a seat.