Mystery Image #30 generated an incredible amount of interest! I'm so pleased it was such a great hit. We received a few responses on place and date (Thank You!). General consensus is that the image was taken at the RPI Houston Fieldhouse in the late 1950s - early 1960s, but it was still unclear what the event was. Shortly after we posted the image my colleague Tammy perused our Sports Collection and found an interesting item - Tammy's investigative edge proved extremely noteworthy. See what the man in the center is holding? Here it is:

This is the back cover of the 1959, NCAA Hockey Tournament held at the RPI Houston Fieldhouse (RPI did not play). This program was singled out as proof because we know of no other programs from that era with the Rensselaer Seal on the back cover! If you would like to see the entire program, we digitized it for you and entered it into Rensselaer Digital Collections. Enjoy the Program HERE! And of course, let us know if you were there.