Pup Covers 1924-1951

Posted by T. A. Gobert on December 8, 2011 in

The Rensselaer Pup has some wonderful examples of graphic design and student art from the first half of the 20th century.  As a student-generated humor magazine it possesses some questionable content as well as beautiful covers.  Often the images from the covers play toward other popular magazines or comics of the time.  A few covers sport photographs, but the majority showcase student drawing and design.



Bill Glaser
Fri, 01/20/2012 - 17:59 Permalink

on the 5th attempt, the online achive opened - great memories, I recognized most of the covers from 49 to the bitter end

John Winter
Fri, 03/10/2017 - 22:02 Permalink

I was fortunate to obtain a copy of the last PUP issue in 1951 on ebay,. The listing on eBay stated that it was almost complete except for the last chapter which was somehow missing. When I received the issue it was in good shape. In a typical PUP trick the contents listed the title of the last chapter as Everything you wanted to Know about SEX. Naturally it never existed.

I promised to bring that issue to our class of 1952 mini reunion this Fall. Yes there are still some of us pre-transistor engineers still kicking

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